5 Natural Ways to Embrace Your Gray Hair

A reality of getting older is the appearance of silver strands in our hair. For most, the urge to cover up the obvious passage of time is instinctual. For others, a growing group, embracing your age and wisdom has become a welcome trend. The natural look has gained popularity in women and men of all ages, and it is a refreshing change from constantly striving for the ideal look.

If you are starting to see some gray in your hair, it’s time to celebrate. You are entering a new period in life that has less stress and more wisdom. We have some great tips for you if you want to embrace your gray hair and aren’t sure about styling or highlighting your newfound status as a silver fox.

You can try a few things at home to show off your new look, or get the help of a hair specialist at Therapy Hair Studio.

Let’s take a look at a few ways that you fellow silver warriors can show off and embrace your gray hair.

Add Essential Oils

As your hair begins to gray, it is not only losing pigmentation; it’s also losing moisture. To help your gray hair shine and look healthier and less wiry, you need to add moisture. Take a break from daily hair shampooing and try adding an essential oil rinse. A weekly or biweekly treatment will help your hair to shine and feel healthier.

Low Lights

If you’re more than 50% gray, you may want to try an updated look with a few lowlights. If you don’t want an all-over color, some well-placed low or highlights can help to give your gray some dimension and add a textured look. As your grays soak in the product, they will become tamer and less wiry or unruly.

Get a Gloss

If you have a full head of gray, you may be noticing that it has lost much of its natural luster. Most of this dullness is due to a lack of moisture and the presence of frayed follicles. To bring your gray back to life, you can visit your salon for a gloss treatment. This rinse will help to close out the hair strands sealing in a deep shine. There are some products like shampoos, oils, and sprays that you can try at home that will give you a similar look and feel.

Styling Tips

Gray hair that is well maintained can give you a glamorous look, and you should show it off in a longer hairstyle. Grow out your hair and have the option of wearing it up, down, or half up. As your hair grows, it will become heavier, helping to straighten out and tame some of the wiriness to your strands.

Add Heat

Your gray hair may be stubborn to control. The gray strands are often thicker and more unruly than your natural younger hair. The best way to gain control is to add some heat. Use a round brush hair dryer that allows you to style, dry, and ionize at the same time, or take your hot flat iron to your locks to get a smooth and shiny look.

It’s time that we all embrace the years that have passed that have made us into the wonderful and beautiful people that we are today. If it’s time to give up the fight against your silver hair, follow some of these tips to get the best look today. 

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