Book Club: This Is A Book!

Author: Felicity McLean
Illustrator: Georgie Wilson
ISBN: 9781760640132
RRP: $24.99
Publisher: Black Inc. Books – Piccolo Nero
Copy: Courtesy of the Publisher

Picture books are a wonderful way to foster a love of reading in little people and in the current climate of technology at the fingertips it can be quite difficult to attract them to a book if they think there’s a device on offer. Sometimes this can come from what’s modeled at home but I think it’s more than just that because my children see a lot of reading at home and still love the idea of devices.

This Is A Book! centres on the love of electronics as it illustrates the amazing things that can be found within the pages of a book. Children will love all the little things they can find in the illustrations and parents will get a giggle out of the humour.

I loved this book, disguised as an iPad, and I actually keep mistaking it for something else on the desk beside me.

My 3 yr old and I sat to read This Is A Book! and he is a boy who is rather attached to the tablet at the moment. We enjoyed looking for the dinosaurs on the pages and both found the humour in the the book the characters are reading – Which Came First? Dinosaurs or Books.

Apparently books are boring, they are for babies and old people; an opinion I’m sure my children share a lot of the time. Books have been around forever, they are even older than Grandpa. That was a line that did make me laugh because it is such a common joke. It was something I used to say to mum and it’s something my kids already say to me.

The book comes in at 32 pages with only a small amount of text, this offers a great opportunity to talk to your children about the story as you read while still staying within the relatively short attention span many young children have for story-time.

This Is A Book! has quite a classic illustration style I think. The colours are eye-catching but not vibrant and overly in your face. It’s a more classic colour palette and even the style of illustrations has a much more classic feel. It kept us both engaged and I hope that it will become a favourite that we read again and again, always finding new things to excite within the illustrations.

This Is A Book! is published by Black Inc. Books and is available through Angus & Robertson Bookworld, Booktopia and where all good books are sold.

Thanks to Black Inc. Books 10 of our Beauty and Lace Club members and their children will be reading This Is A Book! and I look forward to hearing what they think, and our reviews may be written by our young readers.


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