Reading Wrap-Up For June 2018

Well we are now a third of the way through July and I’m not sure that I should even worry about a wrap-up for last month at this point, I’m thinking the ship has probably sailed. At the same time, if it’s something I plan to continue then I can’t just skip a month and then continue like nothing happened.

So, even though it’s so close to midnight I can smell it, and it’s the beginning of the school holidays with a far few kms to put under my belt this week I am going to wrap-up last month nice and quick. Hoping of course to be a little more organised at the end of this month, though with a birthday on the 1st August I doubt it.

Total Books I read in June: 7
5 Female authors/ 2 Male author
7 Fiction novels
7 print/ 0 digital
Books in  series: 2
5 stars on Goodreads: 1
4 stars on Goodreads: 5
Books that qualify for AWW2018:  2
Books for B&L Book Club: 7

June saw me miss my reading target by quite  bit which was a little sad, especially considering The Crooked Staircase is still on the TBR (to be read) calling me. I will get to it and I will get to it soon but we are so spoiled with amazing book club reads at the moment that I have to keep moving forward.

My favourite book last month was A Reaper At The Gates, the third instalment of a serious quartet that is still ramping up in its captivation. Often with series by the time you get close to the end it’s starting to miss something of its magic but not this one. I can’t wait to see how it all ends, I just hope we don’t have to wait quite as long this time.

My challenge reads last month were quite low but that seems to have changed already this month so hopefully I can keep growing that and reach my target.

I have a huge pile for July and am not quite a third of the way through so I’m off to bed and hopefully I can hit it hard tomorrow. I need a nice quiet hibernation cave, with plenty of reading light.

Have a great day

Happy Reading

We would love to hear if you have read these, what you read and loved in June and what you are looking forward to in July.

Here’s the June List with review links:

The New Kids – Unpopular Me
Burning Fields
When Life Gives You Lululemons
The Book Ninja
A Reaper at the Gates
In The Valley of the Blue Gums

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