Author: Darleen Bungey
ISBN: 978-176052973
Copy courtesy of Allen and Unwin
I have a passion for autobiographies and books that teach you about someone’s life. I was enticed by ‘Daddy Cool’ even though I had no previous knowledge of Robert Cutter/Lawrence Brooks. I have always found that peoples lives are so very interesting. ‘Daddy Cool’ is written by Robert’s daughter.
After her father had passed away she decided to start digging and see if she could learn more about her dad. She was lucky to have access to letters that her Dad had sent to his eldest child from a previous relationship. The book is filled with the stories she managed to gather from those letters, newspaper articles, stories told to her by her mother and sister and of course from her own memories.

Her Dad was a famous singer in the US and performed at the Academy Awards in the 1930s. She wanted to learn why he threw all that away and ended up in Australia and even ended up fighting for the Australians during the War.
She also shares with the reader a little of her Mothers story and how she met the singer then known as Laurie Brooks. How she was able to get him to settle and stop his drifting from one woman to another and become the dedicated and loyal family man.
This book is an interesting read if you are someone like me that loves to learn peoples stories. There are several photos included so that you can put faces to the names.
To add to the experience, I also managed to find some of Robert Cutters music on youtube.
A lovely weekend read.
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Im a Mum of 3 beautiful girls.
An avid reader that loves to travel but lacks the funds to venture far and wide constantly. A perfumeaholic with an addiction to beauty and skincare.
If not found with my head in a book or on a plane I can be found spending hours upon hour in Doctors and Hospital waiting rooms as part of my job as a Carer