Putting yourself out there and meeting new people can be daunting. If you are new to online dating or have been in the game for a while, you would know it can be hard to maintain confidence. Here are 10 tips to help you stay confident – whether you need some reassurance for a first date, or are beginning to feel like “the one” doesn’t exist.
Be yourself. It is easier to be confident when you aren’t pretending to be someone you are not. Keep it real and remember, the right person will accept you for who you are. This starts from the first conversation online, to the time it progresses into something more.
Have a good social network. When you are single you don’t have a partner to talk to, so quality friends or trusted family members will keep you in check. Talking to someone about your experiences can help to give you clarity – and they will enjoy listening to your weird and wonderful stories.
Stay positive. A positive attitude is a good thing to have for all aspects of your life, including the world of online dating. If you have a bad date, having a positive attitude will help you understand it’s not you, you were just not compatible. Plus, no one wants to meet someone who is in a bad mood! After all, would you want to be in a relationship with someone who is negative all the time?
Shop! We are officially giving you permission to shop…for clothes for your next date that is. When you look good, you feel good and the confidence will follow! Wear something you feel beautiful in, splash on some makeup and make sure you are having a good hair day. It changes everything.
Turn up the music. Happy music will give you a confidence boost so choose something upbeat when you need a quick pick me up. If you are nervous before a big date, get your dance on and shake it off. Taylor Swift style.
Ask questions. If you are feeling awkward on a date, let me remind you that people love to talk about themselves. So, if are feeling a little nervous start the conversation with open ended questions. Get them talking so you have time to breathe and calm those nerves.
Smile. Nothing says confidence like a smile, and this will make you look more friendly and approachable. When you smile at people you will start to notice them smiling back – now that is going to be a confidence booster!
Keep fit! Exercise gives you a natural high and when you do it regularly you will feel better about yourself, inside and out. You will feel better in your clothes, have more energy and the changes will show in your attitude.
Know when to move on. When they aren’t the right person, holding on too tight is going to crush your confidence. Trying to change the way someone feels about you or putting up with being treated poorly is never going to be good for you, and it is better to be single than unhappy.
Choose your location. When meeting someone for the first time, the location is going to make a difference to how you feel. Choose somewhere that you feel confident and don’t be persuaded to go anywhere you don’t want to. A first date should always be in a public space, but there are so many options from dinner to a night of ten pin bowling – you make the decision. If you are comfortable you will be confident!
We hope these confidence tips helped, if you have anything to add please let us know in the comments section below.
Hi, I’m Anna the Editor of Beauty and Lace.