Recipe: Farfalle with Basil Tofu

The Vegetarian Italian Cookbook is out now through New Holland Publishing and what Italian Cookbook would be complete without pasta dishes. Simple, flavoursome and minimalistic; this dish sounds delicious.

The book tells a story of the Mediterranean diet, relatively unchanged for centuries. Filled with gorgeous food photos and some background information it’s sure to be a fantastic read with recipes to be passed down in your own family.

Farfalle with Basil Tofu
Farfalle con tofu al basilico

Serves 4

Complex carbohydrates and vegetable protein become a delicious combination in this simple pasta salad dish.
You can find basil tofu (or tomato or spicy) in organic stores or in the best supermarkets. Otherwise, simply mix the tofu with natural basil (or other herbs to your liking), finely chopped, to create a fragrant and tasty dressing.

200 g (2 oz) basil tofu
Extra virgin olive oil, to taste
Sea salt and white pepper, to taste
320 g (11 ¼ oz) Farfalle or other short pasta

Farfalle with Basil Tofu

Cut the tofu into cubes and sauté in a pan, with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, for 3–4 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Cook the Farfalle until al dente, in boiling salted water.
Drain the pasta, add the tofu and extra virgin olive oil.

the italian vegetarian cookbook

Recipe courtesy of:
The Vegetarian Italian Kitchen, New Holland Publishers
RRP $40.00 available from all good bookstores or online

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