Essential oils can offer a variety of benefits. But, you have to make sure that they…
Tag: essential oils
N-Essentials is an Australian registered company with our factory warehouse located in Moorabbin, an industrial south…
Review: No Pong Anti Odourant
Deodorant, Anti-Perspirant, roll on, spray on, stick and pump; there is a lot on the market…
Aromatherapy Associates – My Treat
A cute little idea which you can hang on your Christmas tree is the “My Treat”…
Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil
A nostalgic journey through to the past, Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil has been pleasing women…
Interview: Rachel Holm (Hanako Therapies)
2009 saw a devastating tragedy touch the lives of Rachel and Jeff Holm, a tragedy which…
Jurlique Rose Pure Essential Oil
Face autumn with a fresh perspective, along with rosy skin and rosy scents from luxurious coveted…
Appelle’s Skincare and Discount Offer
Time for a change in skin care products? Then perhaps spare a thought for Appelles. I…
Interview With In Essence Aromatherapy Expert Pat Princi-Jones
Intro – I know a lot of Beauty and Lace readers are enthralled by the ways of…