2023 is coming to a close as quickly as it began, and everything in between has been an utter blur. With festival season all winded down, and hat season well and truly upon us, it’ll be a little while before we get to break out our best hairstyles again – but this is the perfect time to look ahead to 2024.
Hair is a personal thing, and knowing what to do with it can be tricky if you haven’t found the right voices to listen to yet. A good hairstyle can be the difference between an okay day and a great one, whether strutting your stuff in the summertime or having a much-needed Blue Monday sofa date.
Knowing what to do is a good half of the battle though – and maybe next year’s hair trends could give you some welcome inspiration!
Styles That Contour
Wanting a hairstyle that complements your face is nothing new. Arguably, it’s a lynchpin of hair-based fashion – but accentuating the unique contours of your face is another thing entirely.
There’s been something of a ‘natural’ theme developing across fashion and beauty in the last five years, and 2024 will be no different. Think about choosing a hairstyle accentuate your natural features as opposed to a style that’ll wick away the attention.
Natural Haircare
Speaking of ‘natural’ themes, embracing your natural hair is a big trend – and will continue to be in 2024. There are some phenomenal looks to be achieved from dying hair, and neither dip-dying nor highlights are going anywhere soon (indeed, highlights and surfer vibes were very much a fixture of this summer just gone!), but all-natural hair colours and styles will be rewarded next year too.
This trend extends well beyond hair, beauty, and the philosophies behind them; it also relates to the way we treat our hair! To let our natural hair look its best, we need to be feeding what it needs. Hair growth vitamins like biotin, vitamin C, and vitamin E are essential for healthy and luxuriant hair and can carry out much of the hard work on our behalf in making us look fabulous.
Again, layers are nothing new when it comes to hair. Even, they are a fundamental building block of most hairstyles, even innocuous and downright messy ones!
But a proper, bold approach to layers in your 2024 hairstyles will only serve to accentuate your natural hair.
Let’s get something out of the way early: there is no year in which hair accessories will not be fashionable. What does matter is which accessories you choose. In keeping with the nostalgic bent of recent hair and beauty trends, Y2K-era accessories are well and truly in for 2024, alongside their 90s predecessors.
Expect Purple Ronnie-esque rubber charms, loom bands for baby braids, and flower brooches alongside multicoloured ribbons and even satin-silver bobbles.

Beauty and Lace is an online magazine for women. We hope you enjoyed this article!