Book Review: The Healthy Mummy Christmas and Entertaining Cookbook

I’m pretty sure that almost everyone has heard of The Healthy Mummy now, it seems like every where I turn there is publicity for the brand and I think it’s fantastic.

The Healthy Mummy is a lifestyle change that was designed to help everyday mums lose their baby weight. This isn’t a fad diet, it isn’t about cutting things out or starving yourself and it is designed specifically for mums. The Healthy Mummy is a complete package program that is now also expanding to encompass more of the family.

I’m not here to tell you about the challenge subscription service, the smoothie powders, super greens, power bars, fantastic Facebook support pages, local consultants or massive range of free recipes available on the website because all of that would make a wonderful post just about The Healthy Mummy as an overall brand.

What I am here to tell you about is the amazing cookbook that is designed especially for this time of year.

I’m sure many of you would know the struggle. You’ve been doing really well, eating has been pretty good and you’re managing to exercise more days than not; finally seeing changes and then the silly season starts. It’s all about parties, get togethers, lunches, dinners and social occasions and before you know it you’re back where you started. It doesn’t have to be that way and you don’t have to starve yourself or eat celery sticks while everyone else is feasting. It’s about making smarter choices, substituting where you can and moderation.

The Healthy Mummy has gone a step further in helping to keep on track through the festive season with the Christmas and Entertaining Cookbook. This book is packed with over 150 recipes that are healthy and perfect for the holiday season. There are meal plans to suit all styles and budgets as well as tips to reduce stress and beat the dreaded bloat.

The Christmas and Entertaining Cookbook starts with tips to get you through the season and a fantastic cracker how-to (that I will definitely be trying one year. A great use of all those toilet rolls I can’t help but save). It’s about planning and being prepared, with some great swap options to keep in mind while you’re out.

The recipe section, that’s what we are here for. What a glorious, glossy full colour collection of healthy options to tantalise taste buds, gobsmack guests and keep your lifestyle on track. Recipes have been formulated by nutritionists so they offer a holisitc approach, it’s about nurturing your body with the right things to maximise results.

Christmas celebrations come in all shapes and sizes so there is no one perfect set menu. Here in Australia the weather is generally pretty warm for Christmas so roast with all the trimmings is usually not an option. The family structure is also very diverse so there isn’t one perfect meal either. Families are often spread out so you have Christmas breakfasts, lunches and dinners, the trusty BBQ is quite a popular option and there are some amazing recipes that are sure to please everyone.

I haven’t had a chance to try any of these recipes but I will definitely be marking pages to check out dishes this festive season. Of course my favourites all fall in the dessert categories but there are mouthwatering meals in every section.

The Contents page has recipes grouped into Breakfast, Lunch, Starters, Mains and Dinners, Sides, Desserts, Festive Treats, Impressive Menus, Boxing Day Entertaining, New Year’s and Drinks.

The recipes in the book aren’t necessarily set out in the same order because the book is set out into different types of celebrations and grouped slightly differently.

It doesn’t matter how it’s set out really because it is delectable to just sit back and flick through looking at the pictures and seeing what might be nice.

I am quite particular with what I like so I check out pictures, read ingredients and wonder how I would go. Some of the most popular and versatile foods are ones I just don’t like so it is a definite cause for hesitation but I’m also great at the ingredient swap. If I don’t like one thing I work out how to change it up to enjoy the meal without that ingredient; sometimes that’s not as easy as it looks though.

A short list of the new things I’m going to try first would include:

Chocolate Crackle Breakfast Pudding
Egg & Cheese Brekkie Cups
Coconut French Toast
Summer Quinoa Salad
Pork with Pineapple Salsa
Quick Chicken Laksa
Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding
Baked Pear Custard Tart
Reindeer Logs

Okay well my short list started to get a little long so I best stop there, which is only about the first half of the book. There are a LOT more delicious looking desserts, there are a huge range of seafood dishes utilising fish, prawns, calamari and all of the seasonal produce abounding in our summer Christmas.

There is a chapter for Vegetarian options, relaxed BBQ meals, traditional Christmas offerings, what to do with your leftovers and a healthy buffet selection.

One recipe which I thought was super Christmas Cute and I would make, but never eat, is the Frozen Watermelon Trees; sure to be a hit with any gathering and just gorgeous.

Don’t let the fun and festivities flick your goals to the curb. You can have your Christmas cake and eat it too.

For more information you can find The Healthy Mummy on the Facebook page, Instagram, the Lose Baby Weight and The Healthy Mummy websites.

The Christmas and Entertaining Cookbook is available for Pre-Order now from The Healthy Mummy.
There are some great specials on as I write this so get in quick before the sales end.

RRP: $49.95

#beautyandlacechristmas #healthyeating


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