The Missing Sister by Lucinda Riley is the seventh book in The Seven Sisters series and covers 800 pages.
The six D’Apliese sisters have grown up knowing that they have a seventh sister that they all refer to as the Missing Sister. Pa Salt had adopted them all but had always longed to find the last of the seven.
Try as he might, he was never able to locate her. Now that Pa Salt has passed away the sisters take up the search.
Mary McDougal is living in the Gibbston Valley of the South Island of New Zealand. She decides to head off on a trip around the world to help her cope with the death of her husband of 35 years.
She leaves her son and adopted daughter Mary-Kate to run the family vineyard. Mary is caught off guard when she receives phone messages from her daughter to inform her that two strangers have arrived at the vineyard. They are asking questions about her and her past. The ghosts from her past start spinning around in her head and she leaves her location swiftly when she learns that the strangers are making their way to see her on Norfolk Island.
No matter where she goes she seems to be followed. Panic sets in as she starts to fear for her life.
This wonderful book works well as a stand-alone, but it will leave you with many unanswered questions. You will so badly want to read the last book in this series which is set to be released in 2022. Sadly, Lucinda Riley recently passed away so the question is will we get to read the last book? I certainly hope so.
I found this book to be an awesome read and being 800 pages long it allowed me to dive right in and read it over several days. All the while I felt very connected to Mary who is also known as Merry. When I was away from my book I would wonder what was to happen next and couldn’t wait to get back to my reading.
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ISBN: 9781509840175
Im a Mum of 3 beautiful girls.
An avid reader that loves to travel but lacks the funds to venture far and wide constantly. A perfumeaholic with an addiction to beauty and skincare.
If not found with my head in a book or on a plane I can be found spending hours upon hour in Doctors and Hospital waiting rooms as part of my job as a Carer