BOOK CLUB: Last Bridge Before Home

Author: Lily Malone
ISBN: 978-1-4892-5050-6
Copy courtesy of Harlequin Mira

Last Bridge Before Home is Lily Malone’s sixth full-length novel, and the third in her Chalk Hill series.  However, this is the first of Malone’s books that I have read and I was not aware until I had finished it that it was the third novel in a series, so I can safely say that it stands alone (I purposely don’t read the “about the author” even if it is at the beginning of a book until the end).

For those who are familiar with Malone’s work, this novel is about the third of the Honeychurch boys, the middle son, Braxton, known affectionately as Brix, and the girl he loves Jaydah Tully.

When I began this book I expected it to take the usual route of a rural romance, but very quickly a much darker theme emerged which left me alternately having to take breaks to deal with what I was reading and in tears.

We are all sadly aware of the incidence of domestic violence in our community, but Malone’s book shows how easily it can be hidden even in small rural communities and how easily people can slip through the cracks.

Everyone knows that Keith Tully is not a nice man, so they avoid him.  Jaydah is too afraid of the consequences to tell people what her home life is like, so no-one, not even Brix the person she is closest to, has any idea what is really going on up at the Tully household.

So when Jaydah finally decides to act, to get her family away from the man she calls “the monster” everything has to happen with the utmost secrecy, and at the last minute Jaydah has to admit to Brix that there is still a secret within the secrets that she hasn’t told him yet.  Will this last secret means she is asking too much of the man she loves?

Meanwhile, Brix is dealing with the sudden news that his mum has an inoperable, and terminal brain tumour and a dark family secret is about to be let out of the bag.

Last Bridge before Home is a beautifully written book, with strong believable characters and a storyline that deals with some of the hard truths of what happens behind closed doors.

I highly recommend this book, but make sure you have a box of tissues handy!

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